Saturday 31 March 2012

day 9

I completed most of my task today except one, Which was training. I was out of town all day that's why I couldn't train. I was in Red Deer checking out my workplace for the next 16 months. For those of you who don't know I'am going on a 16 month internship YAY!!! break from school=D. I start work on May 1st and I cannot wait. I was introduce to quite a bit of people today. Through out the day I kept recalling back their names and faces so on the first day of work I still remember them and dazzle them with my great memory. I also visited my new home for 16 months I will be living with my sister in her basement., by the way the basement is huge!!! and it's all to myself=D. Any ways to make up for me skipping my training today I will do it tomorrow, even though it's my break from training.

Also here is the HE article I read today. Most of these stuff that they have listed I've already done but not really mastered. i will have a lot more time when I go on my internship so I will definitely be trying out some of these secrets. I feel like I already have a lot of stuff to do when I go on my intership, which is good so I don't get bored. any ways here is the article. Enjoy.

The picture below is my desk, in my room. I have spent many times in that chair and all of the hard thinking happens here. this will be a shorter blog today since I'm exhausted and it's 1:30 in the morning. Any ways good nigh!!

Thursday 29 March 2012

Day 8

It was one of those days where you don't feel like doing anything. My body was sore, my mind was tired, and I'am a little behind in school. It was definitely one of those days where you feel unmotivated in doing anything. But I have been waiting for this day. Before I started doing these challenges I knew I was going to face this day. I have gone through these days multiple of times and unfortunately I never won, but today is different. As unmotivated as I was I still plowed through my challenges and I only have one more challenge to completely which is the easiest, reading. I'm glad this day came and I welcome it and I was prepared for it.

Here is a really interesting article about sleeping. There are many ways you can sleep, as I just found out. Sleeping like everyone else is very inefficient. This article talks about various ways in getting sleep efficiently and less time consuming. I'm really interested in trying out the every man cycle I think It's easy to integrate in my life. I just gotta find the time to adjust to it. I'll probably try this out after I'm done exams so I won't be overly tired adjusting to a new sleeping pattern during exams. So here is the article and enjoy a good read=D

As promised here is another picture of my beautiful home. When you first enter my house this is the scene you will observe, Beautiful ain't it? Believe it or not every little detail you see here was done by my dad. My dad is a very very good handy man, he knows lots of short cuts and his very intuitive. I wish I had a before picture of my home so you can see the amazing transformation or it. Any ways that is it for today, I gotta finish my last challenge, Good night folks!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 7

Hi everyone,
So today is the 7th day I have been doing this challenges, which means it's been a week!!!. I must say I feel really good for doing these daily challenges. I don't get bored any more since my hands are always full with school and daily tasks. Also every time I go to bed at night I feel no regrets for not doing anything all day. It has also worked on my will power. I'am noticing that I'm becoming more productive. I still waste time here in there but not as much any more since I know I need to finish these challenges. One thing that I have notice though is that since I'am focusing more on theses challenges than my school, I'am falling a little bit behind. But I feel like it's easier for me to catch up since I don't have that procrastination feeling any more. 

So out of all the challenges the one that's my favourite is reading an HE (high existence) article everyday. The articles there are awesome and really interesting. They help you become more aware of the society and more aware of your self. Unfortunately I couldn't complete this favourable task today because the website is currently down because there upgrading website; which is pretty exciting=D. Any ways since I really enjoy doing this challenge, which is becoming less and less of a challenge, I found another way in satisfy my need. I used stumble upon to bring me an awesome self-improvement article (By the way I found the HE website through stumble upon) the article that I read today was about self-compassion and self-esteem. I was awestruck after reading this article and I felt a little bit enlighten from it. 

Basically the article is about how self-esteem and self-compassion differ. In summary self-esteem and self-compassion are very similar having the same goals, except that self-esteem has a down fall... having a high self-esteem can have a draw back in a way that when you are considered to be an average person you tend to beat your self-up or criticize the person putting you in that category, for example calling him an idiot or he say stuff like "doesn't want his talking about". Which leads to depression, anger and anxiety. On the other hand self-compassion meets the end goal with out a bungee cord that pulls you back to the same starting point. When a self-comapassionate person come's across an adversity he will brush it off easier by saying stuff like "It was probably for the best" or "I will do better next time. So Self-compassion triumphs over self-esteem and there has been research on it and the author talks more about the research she conducted. I strongly recommend you read this article it is definitely an eye opener. The article is here

For my 7th picture of the day I chose my house's living room. My living room didn't originally looked like this when we moved in, actually my whole house didn't look like it use to be when we move in. My dad has made lots of changes in the house. It looks more like a castle now rather than a house.It is very beautiful and I'm not just saying this because it's my house; I have received many compliment from my friends who come's over so it's not just me. I will show you other pictures of my house another day and you be the judge=P. Well any ways here is the picture of the day and have an awe some day!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Day 6

So I manage to finish my daily challenges for today. I barely made it since it's already 10 pm and I need to be up at 6:30 tomorrow morning. But I still did it wohoo!!! this is also the second day of my kick boxing training and it has been going good, sore, but it's a lot of fun.

I'm also going to start posting the HE articles that I read for each day so you folks are always welcome to read them. I will briefly talk about them as well so guys know what my thoughts are for them. I'm not going to start this today but I will start it tomorrow, since I'm really exhausted and I don't want to look for the article that I just read.

Any ways here is the picture of the day. This is a photo of my punching bag; such an awesome equipment!!

Monday 26 March 2012

Day 5

I didn't get to blogg yesterday. As promised though I'am going to be meditating to make up for missing one day of the challenges. I have completed most of my challenges for today except for this one, which is blogging.

 I was thinking of hitting the bag today but decided not to, because it is freezing out side and my bag is located in my garage which has no heating system. I don't really know if I could get sick from training in a cold environment, you know sweating in the cold or it was just my laziness making up the excuse. So to make up for it I will be doing some push ups, squats and sit ups. I'm going to be sparring this Wednesday so I want to be at least in a good shape, so I don't look like a complete ass.

Anyway here is the picture of the day. This was taken in the 3rd and 4th year homeroom dining area. I always ponder on this window when I'm studying and stare at theses trees. I always ask my self how they become so dark when wet...

Saturday 24 March 2012

Day 4

What an exhausting but fun day today. I am currently in fernie bc snowboarding, and the snow here Is incredible!! So much powder!! It was a really fun day today except when we were skiing down a really really steep; almost looked like a cliff. Anyways I completed all the challenges except my neuropragrammer:( I will make up for it tomorrow. By meditating as well.

So anyways here are the pictures for the day. The view on top of the mountain

Friday 23 March 2012

Day 3

Here is the picture for day 3. I'm sorry the posting for today is going to be a bit short since I am in fernie bc for snowboarding:). It's snowing like crazy right now which means awesome skiing tomorrow!! I will be taking alot more awesome and cool pictures tomorrow up in the mountain. Anyways here Is the 3rd picture of the day:)

Thursday 22 March 2012

picture of day 2

Day 2:
It was not a bad day. Each task was pretty simple and I had plenty of time to finish them. This is because I don't really have that much home work yet. I'm thinking of adding another challenge into my list of daily challenges. The one I'm thinking of adding is to spend 30 mins a day researching and filling up my hunger for my passion, which is Kick Boxing. But I'll hold it for now and see how next week progresses, because all my assignments come out on the same week and are also due on the same week.

When I woke up this morning I had this urge to go into blogger and start writing, but for some reason I just ignored it and said I was going to blogg later in the day. I had lots of things I wanted to write and say but now it's all gone. so next time when I get that urge again I will write right away, depending if I'm in a lecture though.

So here is the second picture of the day:
Schulich school of engineering (my second home):
This is the Civil Engineering department of Schulich Engineering, in University of Calgary. I have spent countless hours in this building, more than I have spent at home. I have met a lot great people in this place and continue to expand my social circle as I progress through my studies. They have a really good study program and provides lots of opportunities, like travelling abroad, competing in another city, and going to mexico to build a house for the less fortunate.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Picture#1 day 1

I believe everyone should say this following scripture everyday. I have this posted on my wall but I never really took the time to say it to myself everyday. So for those of you who were wondering what the I promise scripture was here it is

30 Day Challenges

I'am going to try out the 30 challenges for 30 days. The link to this site is as follows:

I really want to try out this challenge and see how it goes. I believe this will improve on some skills that I lack. It will also increase my will power in the sense that I will need to complete the challenges everyday. I hope to get you're support in completing these challenge or help me stay on track. Just a fair warning to everyone that I'am not an excellent writer so grammar and punctuation mistake are inevitable so please bare with me. I hope to improve this skill by writing to this Blogg everyday. Also feel free to join me in this adventure of bettering yourself=D

So on with the challenges!!. Here are the challenges that I chose from the list and I have also added some personal ones:
1) complete a lumosity ( session each day for 5 days ( The reason I only chose to do 5 days (Monday to Friday) out of the week is that it is recommended to take breaks for a day or two)
2) complete a neuro-programmer session everyday. Here is what my schedule for Neuro-programmer sessions are going to look like

  • Monday: Neuroplasticity Inhibit
  • Tuesday: Neuroplasticity Excite
  • Wednesday: NeuroPlasticity Maintain
  • Thursday: Photographic Memory
  • Friday: Photographic Memory
  • Saturday: Brain Brightener
  • Sunday: Brain Brightener

3) Read 20 minutes a day
4) Read I promise scripture
5) Read a new article on HE everyday (easy)
6) Take one picture each day (hard)
7) Wake up early each day (intermediate)
8) Blogg Everyday