Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 7

Hi everyone,
So today is the 7th day I have been doing this challenges, which means it's been a week!!!. I must say I feel really good for doing these daily challenges. I don't get bored any more since my hands are always full with school and daily tasks. Also every time I go to bed at night I feel no regrets for not doing anything all day. It has also worked on my will power. I'am noticing that I'm becoming more productive. I still waste time here in there but not as much any more since I know I need to finish these challenges. One thing that I have notice though is that since I'am focusing more on theses challenges than my school, I'am falling a little bit behind. But I feel like it's easier for me to catch up since I don't have that procrastination feeling any more. 

So out of all the challenges the one that's my favourite is reading an HE (high existence) article everyday. The articles there are awesome and really interesting. They help you become more aware of the society and more aware of your self. Unfortunately I couldn't complete this favourable task today because the website is currently down because there upgrading website; which is pretty exciting=D. Any ways since I really enjoy doing this challenge, which is becoming less and less of a challenge, I found another way in satisfy my need. I used stumble upon to bring me an awesome self-improvement article (By the way I found the HE website through stumble upon) the article that I read today was about self-compassion and self-esteem. I was awestruck after reading this article and I felt a little bit enlighten from it. 

Basically the article is about how self-esteem and self-compassion differ. In summary self-esteem and self-compassion are very similar having the same goals, except that self-esteem has a down fall... having a high self-esteem can have a draw back in a way that when you are considered to be an average person you tend to beat your self-up or criticize the person putting you in that category, for example calling him an idiot or he say stuff like "doesn't want his talking about". Which leads to depression, anger and anxiety. On the other hand self-compassion meets the end goal with out a bungee cord that pulls you back to the same starting point. When a self-comapassionate person come's across an adversity he will brush it off easier by saying stuff like "It was probably for the best" or "I will do better next time. So Self-compassion triumphs over self-esteem and there has been research on it and the author talks more about the research she conducted. I strongly recommend you read this article it is definitely an eye opener. The article is here

For my 7th picture of the day I chose my house's living room. My living room didn't originally looked like this when we moved in, actually my whole house didn't look like it use to be when we move in. My dad has made lots of changes in the house. It looks more like a castle now rather than a house.It is very beautiful and I'm not just saying this because it's my house; I have received many compliment from my friends who come's over so it's not just me. I will show you other pictures of my house another day and you be the judge=P. Well any ways here is the picture of the day and have an awe some day!

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