Thursday 29 March 2012

Day 8

It was one of those days where you don't feel like doing anything. My body was sore, my mind was tired, and I'am a little behind in school. It was definitely one of those days where you feel unmotivated in doing anything. But I have been waiting for this day. Before I started doing these challenges I knew I was going to face this day. I have gone through these days multiple of times and unfortunately I never won, but today is different. As unmotivated as I was I still plowed through my challenges and I only have one more challenge to completely which is the easiest, reading. I'm glad this day came and I welcome it and I was prepared for it.

Here is a really interesting article about sleeping. There are many ways you can sleep, as I just found out. Sleeping like everyone else is very inefficient. This article talks about various ways in getting sleep efficiently and less time consuming. I'm really interested in trying out the every man cycle I think It's easy to integrate in my life. I just gotta find the time to adjust to it. I'll probably try this out after I'm done exams so I won't be overly tired adjusting to a new sleeping pattern during exams. So here is the article and enjoy a good read=D

As promised here is another picture of my beautiful home. When you first enter my house this is the scene you will observe, Beautiful ain't it? Believe it or not every little detail you see here was done by my dad. My dad is a very very good handy man, he knows lots of short cuts and his very intuitive. I wish I had a before picture of my home so you can see the amazing transformation or it. Any ways that is it for today, I gotta finish my last challenge, Good night folks!

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